Art at The Park: ‘A Brush with Nature’s Palette’ by Wendy Griffin

10th April

Wendy Griffin’s new exhibition ‘A Brush with Nature’s Palette’ will be opening on Tuesday 2nd of April.

Her delightful pastels along with gorgeous oil paintings of the local landscapes and seascapes provide a calming and relaxing atmosphere. Many of these have been painted ‘en plein air’. Wendy paints in both pastels and oils, but her preference is pastels. A pastellist doesn’t use a brush as such to put the colour on but the fingers become the brush whereas in oil painting the hand holds the brush. Come and immerse yourself in the beauty of Guernsey!

Wendy was an aspiring photographer, in her teens, and attributes her keen eye for composition to that time with Spectrum Photography Club. The transition into art came a bit later, when her children were small and there seemed to be a little more available time.

This proved to be a great decision and Wendy launched herself into artistic pursuits, teaching herself, as she went. By attending evening classes and painting courses, when she could, Wendy soaked up knowledge and know-how and it was one such class that introduced Wendy to the medium of pastels.....The rest, as they say, is history!

Wendy's love of the sea in all its varying colours and moods is evident in her work. "I love the extremities. The wild rough sea. The flat, calm sea. There's just so many different colours at different times."

When coupled with her passion for sunrises, sunsets and clouds you have the perfect recipe for a classic Wendy Griffin painting.

"The colours in the sky have always stirred my emotions. The dark looming clouds turning the sea green is up there with the sunrises and sunsets for me! Totally awesome!"

Wendy also enjoys painting in oils, especially when painting “en plein air”. The freedom of painting in oils is something she really enjoys, as not only is she doing something creative, but also enjoying nature's soundtrack; birds, the waves, the rustling of the trees and so forth.

Whilst these things are enjoyable in reflective solitude, Wendy also claims that as a social activity, they are just as appreciated. "When painting with a group of like-minded friends, it’s great to come together for a cup of tea at the end of the session (in fact, we almost spend more time drinking tea and chatting than painting!). I used to also love the companionship of my Shetland Sheepdog 'Billy' who became a vital, and much loved by all, part of my outdoor painting life.

Wendy has had several solo exhibitions in Guernsey. She has also won trophies at The Guernsey Eisteddfod, which she says, " is always a good confidence boost."

You can find Wendy online on Facebook, Instagram and her

The exhibition will be on display at National Trust of Guernsey’s Art at The Park Gallery, The Folk and Costume Museum, Saumarez Park from Tuesday 2 April to Friday 26 April. Open 10am–5pm seven days a week. 

Admission is free. The Museum is access-friendly. ­



Art at The Park

National Trust of Guernsey Folk and Costume Museum

Saumarez Park


T: 01481 255384



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Entry and Accessibility

Free entry

The Gallery and Museum are access-friendly


How to find us

Perry's guide: 15G2

Bus routes: 41 and 42

Location: Saumarez Park, Castel, GY5 7UJ

  • Contact

  • T: +44 1481 255384
  • E:
  • Folk and Costume Museum Saumarez Park Castel GY5 7UJ

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